Monday, April 6, 2015

Where have I been?

I have been missing for 5 years from the blog world. I really thought that blogging was easy. I was so wrong. Blogging is difficult when life gets in the way. Since my last blog post I have gained another grandchild. He is a wee little guy only 6 weeks old. I must say that he is perfect and stole my heart the day he was born. The granddaughter is the most awesome little person that I know. She is a stunning little girl. So beautiful that she could be a model. Yes, I am biased but she is truly a beauty. This is all I have for now. Maybe I will change the focus of the  blog and get serious about expressing myself. It might take 5 years but it is a possibility.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Girl Is Here!

A baby girl was born on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, at 1:07 am. She was delivered by c-section. Her name is Paisley Erin and she is perfect.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It is a Girl!

My son and his wife are expecting a baby girl in June. They just found out the sex of the baby today. They invited me to the ultrasound. Can we say that today's ultrasounds are awesome??? Wow! It is amazing how much detail can be seen of a 9 ounce baby. It really is mind boggling. This whole process motivates me to have another baby. Is there anything wrong with having children 25 years apart? Just kidding.....hahahaha!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Baking Bread!

Yes, I am trying to bake bread. Okay, I don't have a yeast infection or I am not laundering money. I am talking about the old fashioned mixing yeast and flour to create bread. It is Illinois in January so there is not a hot spot in the house conducive to bread rising. With my awesome problem solving skills, I decided that the dough should rise in the oven for 1 hour. With the oven preheated and then turned off, I am anticipating that the bread will rise. I will conclude this experiment later. Hopefully, I will be munching on homemade bread while doing so!

Disclaimer: This bread recipe is out of the current Taste of Home magazine. It is a bread recipe simple enough for kids to make. Hmmm...we will see if it is truly that simple. I have a Masters Degree and I anticipate difficulty in executing this recipe to the finish. If it turns out, I'll share the recipe.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh My Gosh, I Have A Follower!

I have been a blog stalker for over a year now. As you can see, I haven't leaped into the blogosphere with both feet. My posts are very random and (probably) uninteresting. Now I feel pressure to step up to the plate and produce. Can I do it? Hmmm...time will tell. I have so much to learn but I think I am willing to give it a shot. Keep reading and we will see if it works out!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Husband Gave Me A Wife For Christmas!

2010 is promising to be a great year. My husband gave me a cleaning lady for Christmas!! How funny is that? Actually my husband gave me a wife for Christmas! Her first cleaning was this past Thursday. She did an awesome job. If my husband paid me $65 a week to clean, I would probably be an awesome cleaner, too. Oh well, after almost 30 years of me cleaning my own house...I deserve a housekeeper! Woohooo...yes, I am a happy girl with no regrets or guilt. When the husband does something this outstanding, I can just say,"Thank you and I owe you one!"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Going to be a Grandmother!

Yes, I am going to be a grandmother. I feel like I just got my kid raised and what does he do? He gets married and reproduces. I still don't have my son paid for yet, and he has a mini-me in the oven. What I mean by not having him paid for is that I owe about $6000 in student loans that he took out to finish college. It is okay, but I just thought I would have zero balance on parenthood before I started the debt of grandparenthood! Oh well, this will be a great adventure and from speaking to the grandmas of the world...there is nothing like it! I love being a mama so I am sure being a grandmother will be the best ride of my life!

Hopefully, my son will not follow the example of the Duggers and pop out a kid every year for 19 years. Moderation my son...moderation. Let's not run this grandparent thing in the ground.